Friday, August 2, 2019

Everything about Chakras:

Everything about Chakras:

Prana is the primal source of all forms of energy and manifests itself in various frequencies. Your level of consciousness (awareness)determines the frequencies of prana you are capable of receiving and storing. One form of prana exists in the air, and one way we can retrieve it is through proper breathing (exercises).

Prana is equivalent to the force of "vitality." Vitality is radiated on all levels and manifests itself in the physical, emotional and mental realms. This force is NOT electricity, albeit in some ways it represents it.

One common description of the "vital force" (field) or "etheric body" is a silvery haze that extends a few inches beyond the skin. You can see this field under special conditions using ultra-violet light or your own eyes.

Human brain has 1,000,00,00,000 sensitive nerve cells. Each nerve cell has the ability to form 25,000 connections! 


Chakras are Entry Gates of the Aura. Within the physical body resides a body double, a spiritual body, that contains the Chakras. The word Chakra in Sanskrit translates to wheel or disc.

They are centers of activity that receives, assimilates and expresses life force energy. They are responsible for the person's physical, mental, and spiritual functions.

Each chakra is connected with one of the elements of earth, water, air ether, and mind - the mind is an instrument of consciousness. These elements are states of matter and NOT elements as we understand them in modern chemistry. They are equivalent to the terms: solid, liquid, fiery or gaseous, airy, and etheric - which are somewhat analogous to the physical, astral and mental planes, and sub-planes. They function like receivers and transformers of the various forms of prana.

They absorb and transmit energies to and from the universe, nature, celestial entities, from people even from things.Through the nadis, the chakras take in the vital energy and transform it into the frequencies needed by the various areas of the physical bodies for sustenance and development.

According to the traditional writings, there are 88,000 chakras in the human body covering basically every area in the body. The majority of them are small and insignificant. 40 of them have significant function and they are in the hands, feet, fingertips, and shoulders.

The most significant ones are the Seven Main Chakras located along the central line of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They are located in the ethereal body and they express the embodiment of spiritual energy on the physical plane.


The chakras are constantly rotating and vibrating. The activities in them influence our Body shape, Glandular processes, Chronic physical ailments, Thoughts, and Behaviour.

When one (or more) of the chakra is blocked and the energy does not flow harmoniously through them, or it is wide open, it will result in imbalance that is manifested in all areas of life.
Each chakra is expressed on the physical body in one of the endocrine glands that regulate physical and emotional processes in the body. The imbalance in the chakra will also be expressed in the endocrine gland linked to it

Depending on the sex of the individual, the chakras rotate either clockwise or counterclockwise. For instance, when a chakra in a man is rotating clockwise, the same chakra in a woman will rotate counter-clockwise and visa Versa. This enables the energies of man and woman to complement each other. Every clockwise rotation is primary male, which is in accordance with the Chinese teaching, Yang; and every counter-clockwise rotation is female or Ying. 


Place your pendulum over each chakra and ask your pendulum for its: direction, size, and speed.

Construct your own or use a Chakra chart to determine on which chakra to work on, if it is balanced, under or over-energized.

In the same manner, you can determine if or what stones or colors may be needed. Go through each of the chakras and make sure that you construct your questions in a way that they can always be answered with a YES or NO.

It is sometimes necessary to do the assessment over the client's body. It can be done over the palm as well, but that is not that accurate. The first chakra can be assessed over the wrist, the second at the thumb, the third over the middle finger, the fourth over a small finger, the fifth over the index finger, the sixth over the ring finger and finally the seventh chakra over the palm.

Color therapy
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique),
Conscious breathing,
Physical exercises,
Guided visualization,
Positive thinking,
Balancing: Using your Hands, a Pendulum, Crystals, and Gemstones


According to Hinduism, the Universal Life Force flows through the top of the head and down the chakras, nurturing our bodies with seven distinct kinds of energy, each essential to our physical and spiritual development. And it flows upward through the chakras, communicating individual insight and a conscious sense of universal interconnectedness.

We can think of chakras as floppy discs that contain vital programs.

They contain programmed subroutines that shape our behavior. We all function by sets of programs, which may or may not be conscious. In this analogy the body is the hardware, our programming is the software, and the Self is the user.

We did not write all of these programs, and some of their languages are very archaic. The challenge before us is to identify our programs and rewrite them all while continuing to live our lives, yet this is the task of healing.

The chakra system can be used as a tool to fight viruses, debug and reprogram our lives. In order to run any of our programs we have to activate our energy currents, which is bipolar as mentioned above:

* Earth-centred which we contact through our bodies called grounding( comes from the solid contact we make with the earth through feet and legs), which provides a connection that makes us feel safe, alive, centered in ourselves, and rooted in the environment );

* and the pole of consciousness which is experienced through our minds, and this is our inner understanding, our memory, our dreams, and beliefs. We have a dynamic energy flow throughout our entire being when it is connected to our body.

We can plug in into this system just as we plug in our stereo. The chakras than become like stations, receiving and broadcasting at different frequencies.

The seven vortices of the chakras are created by the combination of these two active principles: consciousness and matter.

Consciousness enters through the crown chakra and flows downward through the body, then upward from earth to ethereal consciousness.

In order to be whole, a human being needs a balance between the downward flow and the upward flow of energy. Blockages in any of the chakras affects the flow of the currents.

What blocks a chakra?

Childhood traumas, cultural conditioning, limited belief system, bad habits, physical and emotional injuries. Or even just lack of attention all contribute to chakra blockage.

Difficulties abound in life, for each one, we develop a coping strategy. If these difficulties persist, these coping strategies become chronic patterns, anchored in the body and psyche as defense structures. It is important to recognize the blocks we carry, find and understand their source and meaning, and develop tools to heal them.

The Balanced System

It is possible to be relatively balanced through the chakras without being an enlightened master. People who have done a lot of their own healing work or were lucky in their upbringing may be relatively balanced.

Chakras of the Leg and feet

Each leg of the physical body also has chakras and the same two currents that flow up the main trunk of the body. Each toe has the same two currents as do the arms and fingers, with much smaller chakra centers in each. Because they are so small in appendages like toes and fingers, most do not detect their presence. To detect them requires a focus most often in meditation. 

One reason why the hands are so often used for healing is that there are terminal points akin to the top of the head where the energy flows from positive to negative, referred to as “zero point.” It is here at this place in the energy that anything can happen. 

In the Hindu system, the chakras in the legs are seen as both negatively and positively charged centers. That is, they are referred to in a negative and positive light as corresponding to our more animal natures, and are said to belong to the “underworld.” These centers are just like all other centers. They are neither positive or negative but depend on the emotional, physical, and spiritual energy that has been invested or cast into them. In the same way that a sacral chakra can convey a lack of good self-image and a lack of sensual beauty, so too can the same center be magnetized in the opposite direction. This is so with every single center in the body.

The way that each of these centers is charged by your awareness and your feeling, will determine your experience through them. As with all chakras and the nadi system, blockages can occur in them and removing these blocks is important in freeing the old perception of the self in order to open up to a new awareness of who and what we are. The work of release is the same as with any other part of the body. There are numerous methods and they can all work for a variety of reasons.

You can do a chakra assessment:
a) Using Your Hands
b) Using a Pendulum (Dowsing)
We can influence our chakras, our health, and our lives by using different techniques such as:
Healing, such as Reiki
The person would be:
* well-grounded and in touch with their body,
* in good health and vitality,
* aware of their feelings without being ruled by them,
* sexually content without being driven,
* with balanced third chakra they would have confidence and confidence without dominating others,
* the heart would be compassionate and loving, yet centered and peaceful,
* could communicate feelings or ideas with truth and clarity and be able to listen to others,
* their upper chakra would bring imagination, wisdom and a personal connection with spirit.

This is an ideal we hope to strive. We all have the means to achieve it, only it takes time, patience and dedication.

The work depends entirely on the person's structure and the practitioner's style. The main thing to remember is that body, soul, mind, and spirit together with the seven chakras, are one invisible whole.

While you are probably familiar with the Muladhara, Swadhishthana, and Manipura chakras, for example, the chakras in the legs have also been named. The Patala, located in the soles of the feet, is said to be aligned with malice and hatred as well as forgiveness. The Mahatala is located more centrally in the foot near the arch and is aligned with a sense of entitlement and lack of conscience as well as expansiveness. The Rasatala is located in the ankles and is aligned with selfishness and charity, while the Talatala is located in the calves and is aligned with materialism for the self and an awareness of being conscious. Sutala is in the knees and is aligned to inadequacy, inferiority, but also self-confidence. Vitala in the thighs aligns with blind wrath while also aligned to forgiveness. Atala in the hips is aligned to lustful promiscuity and the ability to be healthily sexual.

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