Vedas describe 49 different forms of winds in nature : Hinduism
In India basic principles of modern technology and science are available in form of Vedas, Vedas defined every thing in this universe based on “अणु ” means atom and every thing made by PANCHABHUTA Or Five Elements. Our whole cosmic quest of the world and beyond starts from the point of panchabhuta (five elements) which then manifests in an enjoining manner to form the life force and then, later, those five elements disintegrates to ensue a celestical traverse at the Paramanu (atom) level.
However, we will only understand one of these element called vayu (wind) but these five elements are Earth or Prithvi; Water or Jal ; Fire or Agni; Air or Vayu and then Ether or Akasha. Each of these Five elements has its own character and celestial elements which we will gauge in the following lines.I am trying to present importance of place of Vedas by editing and presenting them in brief. I hope that all humans will understand importance of Vedas and research on wind in their own way.
Vedas describe 49 different forms of winds produced due to lightening but after research i got only 45 and name of those are
1. Pravaha
2. Avaha
4. Samvaha
5 Vivaha
6 Parvaha
8. The wind which takes the water from the ocean is called Udvaha.
9.Inshankrut: Wind named Ishankrut was used in the giving lightening fire called “Asya” with a ray of light named “Vajrena” to attack the enemy. It also has the principles of keeping the atoms within certain limits, which continuously flow like a river. It also shows a process of moving or whirling, this chapter is described in Atharva Veda through Trishtup Chhanda (sound) with knowledge of things of Shudra Varna and things of Kshatriya Varna through a certain process. Trishtup Chhanda also explains a principle of taking the study in detail by South direction and its king, lightening protecting queen and fatherly figure
10.Dhunaya: In Ru 1/64/5 Gautam Nogha Rishi explains the principle. This wind named Dhunaya is to be used. Because of Jagati Chhanda here, ist also proves principle of Vaishya varna. The use of this wind is shown in Ru1/81/3 by son of Rahugan Rishi through Jagati Chhanda with the principle of weapon called Bhrajdrashtaya. In Ru 2/30/2 in principles by Grutsamad Rishi of science of wind by Rakhvashva Alreya Rishi through Jagati Chhanda, it explains the principle of Dhunaya wind along with air and light science. Ru 6/66/10 explains the principle using Dhunaya wind wit vibrating objects and light, which his by Bhardwaja Barhastya Rishi in science of wind by Bhurik Panti Chhanda. In Ru 1/5/5 in Vasishtha
11.Rishadansh: Madhu Chhanda’s wind science a principle of Rishadansh wind is given, which takes away bad qualities in the world as well as in the body and enemies, which is the Gayatri Chhanda. Because of Gayatri Chhanda, this is associated with fire. With Gayatri Chhanda, this study is to be expanded through Brahmin Varan, east direction, winter and summer season and wealth. In Ru 1/11/5 Kanva Meghatithi Rishi explains Rishadansha being used with Ghoswarpas in pieces in fire science through Gayatri Chhanda, which presents brave kingdom and fire in the sky. In Ru 1/26/4 Aajigarti Dhanusheya Rishi explains through Gayatri Chhanda fire named Barhi of/lord Agni introducing use of Rishadansha wind with light in the sky through Panti Chhanda. In Ru 1/04/5 Gautam Bodha Rishis calls Rishadansha winds as the one who destroys drawbacks which brings grief through Nichru Jagati Chhanda. Ecause of Jagati Chhanda here, with Vaishya Varan, west direction, spring season and with mannerism of learned Vishwadeva, these can be studies in detail.
12.Rishadansh: In Ru 1/2/1,in Madhu Chhanda’s wind science a principle of Rishadansh wind is given, which takes away bad qualities in the woulrd as well as in the body and enemies, which is the Gayatri Chhanda. Because of Gayatri Chhanda, this is associated with fire. With Gayatri Chhanda, this study is to be expanded through Brahmin Varan, east direction, winter and summer season and wealth. In Ru 1/11/5 Kanva Meghatithi Rishi explains Rishadansha being used with Ghoswarpas in pieces in fire science through Gayatri Chhanda, which presents brave kingdom and fire in the sky. In Ru 1/26/4 Aajigarti Dhanusheya Rishi explains through Gayatri Chhanda fire named Barhi of/lord Agni introducing use of Rishadansha wind with light in the sky through Panti Chhanda. In Ru 1/04/5 Gautam Bodha Rishis calls Rishadansha winds as the one who destroys drawbacks which brings grief through Nichru Jagati Chhanda. Ecause of Jagati Chhanda here, with Vaishya Varan, west direction, spring season and with mannerism of learned Vishwadeva, these can be studies in detail.
13.Dhutaya: In Ru 1/31/6 Ghour Kanava Rishi calls Dhutaya as the one who destroys enemies in all worlds with wind called Nara. In Ru 1/39/1 Dhutaya wind is called as coming in the circle of sunlight. In Ru 1/64/5 Gautam Bodha Rishi called Dhutaya as the one causing moving of other things. In the Vedas explaining wind, different Rishis, Gods, Chhanda, and other places in Vedas are described.
14.Parijaya: In Ru 1/64/5 in lightening science calls Parijaya winds is called to causing things to shaked/weaken from all sides. In Ru 1/6/9 Madhu Chhanda Rishi explains the principle of wind science through Gayatri Chhanda, which reaches light through the sky and to the bottom of all things. In Ru 1/46/14 Praskanva Rishi explains the speed science through Gayatri Chhanda which through the things with light. In Ru 1/63/8 Gautambodha Rishi explains the principle of “Parijanma” which takes off all drawbakcs. Ru 1/64/5 explains the way to study through Vaishya Varna, west direction through Jagati Chhanda.
15.Mahishasa: Ru 1/64/1 Mahishasa is said to be worthy of worship and devotion. In Ru 1/25/1 Adiram Kutsa Rishi instructs to understand the geometry through Trishtup Chhanda, with Vishishtoghi Shuddhognirva science. Ru 1/21/2 explains science of fire through Jagati Chhanda that Mahishasa wind be churned with the solar system.
16.Aabhyva: Un Ru 1/64/6 Gautam Nogha Rishi explains a strong principle of science of lightening through Virat Jagati Chhanda. In Ru 10/21/4 Vasukra Aindra Rishi explains that in science of lightening all winds brought water water together and throwing it in the cloud from. Here Chhanda is Trishtup. Prajapati Parmishti Rishi explains in Ru 10/129/6-1 a principle in science of creation of bringing from indirect to direct form in Trishtup Chhanda. With undecaying and permanent transformation we find this wind mentioned at a lot of places in all four Veda. Ru 1/64/1 explains wind produced in good manner.
17.Sudanav: In 1/40/1 Kanva Rishi, son of Ghour, Call Sudanav having good devoting nature through Bruhati Chhanda. In 1/44/14,Praskanva Rishi explains the principle of growing the fire qualities through Sat Panti Chhanda. Rigveda 1/85/10 explains principle of good things in Virad Jagati Chhanda by Rahu Gano Gautam Rishi in wind science. In Ru 1/141/9 Dirghatama Rishis explains fire science that fire (Agni) be given with Varuna. Ru 2/34/8 Grutsamada Rishi tells in Nichru Jagati Chhanda Sudanava wind having golden chest.
18.Chitra Bhanav: Ru 1/35/4 by Hiranyastup Rishi tells science of light in Trishtup Chhanda with winds with strange lightening power. In Ru 1/85/511 Raghugan Gautam Rishi explains wind as life gas with different of light, which is in Virad Jagati Chhanda. In Ru 2/10/2 Grutsamada Rishi explains the science of fire in Virad Trishtup Chhanda Mitra Varuana through manners of Khsatriya Varna Chitra Manav wind with strong light undecaying center of many studies and Shwata Agni’s qualities of Arusha and Rohit. Ru 1/9/3 Rishi Vasishtha explains the principle of extraordinary light with “Kavi” agni in the center of the sky, which is in Panti Chhanda of science of fire.
19.Manchin wind: Ru 1/39/2 shows use of wind called Machin with weapon named Bilu and light force Tavishni in wind science by son of Ghot, Kanva Rishi, which is in Panti Chhanda, Savya Rishi explains principle of taking away drawbacks with Mitra Varuna, Vaishya Varna, west direction, spring season mannerisms through Virad Jagati Chhanda, which is called Machin wind principle. The same matter is described more extensively in Ru 1/54/4. Ru 1/64/1 by Gautam Nogha Rishi explains the use of Machin wind in creation of army and planes with Mahishasa, Chitramanav, etc., with force of light called Tavishi. Ru 2/11/10 of Grutsamada Rishi explains Machin winds can be destroyed by rays called Vajra and lightening fire of the solar system called “Asya.”
20.Swatwasa: Ru 1/64/1 of Gautam Nogha Rishi illustrates a stronger principle than of lightening and wind principle. In Ru 1/85/9 Rahugan Gautam Rishi explains the use of Swatabadha wind with Rahushyada wind putting the plane in motion, which is in Jagati Chhanda in science of wind. In Ru 1/1666/2 Maitravaruna explains wind through Jagati Chhanda with undecaying and sweet things and with the soul of Rudra. Again in Ru 1/1666/2 Agasya Rishi principle describes Kshatriya Varna, south direction, spring and summer seasons through Virad Trishtup Chhanda of wind science. In light of this Ru 1/186/10 explains it more with Vishwadeva science through Panti Chhanda by learneds in Ashwinin Vidya.
21.Raghushyad: In Ru 1/64/1 raghushyad winds are used in good procedures. Ru 1/85/6 by Rahugano Gautam Rishik calls Raghushyad as used in or helpful in putting horses of chariot in motion in Jagati Chhanda of wind science. Ru 1/40/4 by Dirghatama Rishi explains in fire science that Raghushayd wind was used in peasant processes with Valjuta and Ashwa through Jagati Chhanda. In Ru 3/26/2 Vishwamitra Rishi explains rapid principle through Jagati Chhanda in Vaishwana fire. Ru 4/5/1 explains the use with rays called Astriya and Gou in Trishtup Chhanda in Vaishwana fire, which is by Vamadev Rishi: Ru 2/25/6 explains Laghumanavaan in Anushaya Chhanda with Vaishya Varna manner, north direction and autumn season. In Ru 1/13/15 and in Aatreya Rishis principles, the use of Raghushyada wind is explained in long distance planes/chariots of Sun in Anushaya Chhanda in Ashwini Chhanda.
21.Gire: Ru 1/3/2 by Madhu Chhanda Rishi calls Gira as good in architecture in Nitruda Gayatri Chhanda in Ashwini Chhanda. In Ru 1/5/8 Madhu Rishi explains hundreds of sounds of lightening called Shantkrato in Gayatri Chhanda by Indra Vidnyan.
22.Hastin: 1/64/1 explains this as having speed as fast as elephants and deers. Ru 3/36/3 by Vishwamitra Rishi calls it as having good skills through Trishtup Chjhanda in Indra Vidnyan. Ru 4/16/14 explains the use of Amla-shastra by Vamadev Rishi in Panti Chhanda. Ru 5/64/1 by Archanana Rishi also has use of Hastina in Mitravaruan science in Panti Chhanda.
23.Mrugaiva: Ru 1/64/1 calls this as fast as deers. Ru 2/34/1 by Grutsamad Rishi explains Maran Shali Miho principle through Jagati Chhanda in air science. Ru 4/58/6 Vamadev rishis explains it in Agnisuryo, Sarpa, Gava or Ghrutwa as fast wind in complete procedures of Shudra Varna by Anushtup Chhanda. With Yaju 11/94 the second phase of study in Trishtup Chhanda of Lord Vishnu. Atharva Veda 11/2/24 by Atharva Rishis explains its medicinal uses. Atharva Veda 11/2/24 associated Tamnapatra of water with Mruga through Jagati Chhanda of Bhavasharva Bhadra. Atharva Veda in Bhumi Vidnyan explains the principle of Mruga wind by imagining harmful animals. Atharva Veda 18/38/3 explains medicinal uses in Prajapatyanu Stup Chhanda in Gulgula science.
24.Prachetas: Mamuta Ru 1/41/1 by great Rishi Kanva explains it with Brahmin Varna, est direction, spring and summer season through Gayatri Chhanda in Vaman + Aryama science. Ru 1/44/1 by Praskanva Rishi associates together lightening called Putrahuta, Viashya varna mannerisms, fire called Hotarum and Vishwamedaksham and Prachestaksha wind through Bruhati Chhanda. It also mentions fire called Samiddho. Ru 1/64/8 Gautam Nogha Rishi calls it as good science by lightening-wind science. Ru 1/84/12 by Rahugano Gautam Rishi uses Prachestas wind with lightening fire called Asya and Vajra called Nakshama. It also describes the use of force called Saha. In Ru 2/23/3 Grutsamad Rishi explains its use with rays called Usha with Mitravaruna, Vaishya Vrana manners and king and protector of west direction in Virad Jagati Chhanda in Bruhaspati science. Vamadev Rishi in Ru 4/63/1 explains the use of Prachetas wind with cloud called Asur in light/fire science in Jagati Chhanda.
25.Supish: Ru 1/4/10 by Madhu Chhanda Rishi explains the principle of giving life to the substances with solid called Shaya through Gayatri Chhanda in lightening science. In 2/41/1 Praskanva Rishi Explains its use in building of planes in Ashwini science through Pankti Chhanda. Ru 1/48/23 explains beauty of rays through Bruhati Chhanda in ray science. In Ru 1/49/2 in ray science explains the use of Supish wind with Shudra Varna mannerisms and procedure and king and protector of north direction like antumn season through Anushtup Chhanda. Ru 1/64/8 has explained Supish wind in giving and enhancing beauty.
26.Sabadh: (keeping things under control) Ru 1/64/8 explains this principle. Ru 3/27/6 Vishwamitra Rishi explains the principle of destroying wicked people in fire science in Gayatri Chhanda. Ru 4/21/18 by Vamadev Rishi explains this in Trishtup Chhanda as present with whirling in science of lightening. In Ru 1/8/1 explains it as present with previous things with morning rays in Chinhanki hymn, which his Vasishtha Rishi. Ru 1/26/2 explains afficted wind science. Ru 9/66/1 Kala Pragatha Rishi explains it as the one taking all obstacles away and problems and protecting in science of lightening in Bruhati Chhanda. Ru 8/14/12 explains the principle of Govan Ajeya Rishi in fire science in Gayatri Chhanda as taking away all problems. Ru 10/101/12 explains different principles of Nara and Sawadh winds by Vishwadevo Rishi in Rishiburdha Saumya.
27.Ahimanyava: In Marut Ru 1/64/8-9 Gautam Nogha Rishi explains this as giving cloud the knowledge of rain and knowing his capacity through Virad Jagati Chhanda.
28.Rushtibhi: This wind which completes the worldly desires is given in Ru 1/64/8. In Ru 1/31/2 and in wind science of Kanva Rishi, the same principle is explained. In Ru 1/85/4 Rashtrogan Gautam Rishi explains the use of Rushtibhi in building of machines in Virad Jagati Chhanda. Ru 2/362 by Grutsamad Rishi explains it as proving Shweta varna truths with good processes with Nara winds in Jagati Chhanda in Indro Matratashcha science.
29.Prushtibhi: Is given in Ru. 1/31/2 also it is used with Rushtibhi. In Ru 2/34/3 Grutsamada Rishi explains science of wind in Nivru Jagati Chhanda of speed equal of wind. It also describes horses named Atyan and Ashwan and principle called Swarnaprayog. Ru 2/36/2 explains science of wind Maghavashcha through Jagati Chhanda that use of winds named Rushtabhi and Prushaniti by wind named Nara with lightening in the sky. Ru 5/58/6 by Shyavaswaytreya explains the use of Pruthibhi wind with water named Apa and says called “Vaman” in planes through Nidhitrshtupa Chhanda. In Atharva Veda 13/1/24 Brahma Rishi Deschibes the use of Rushtibhi wind with rays called Ketum and Hridaya in light sceience. Atharva Veda 20/61/4 is also associated with Ru 2/36/5 and 2/31/2 by Mada Rishis through Jagati Chhanda.
30. Vishwa Vedas : (wind completing all desire) In Ru 1/21/1 Kanva Medhyatithi explains the use of Vishwa Vedasam in building of fire weapons called Asya with fire called Yadnyasya in fire science through Gayatri Chhanda. It describes the principle of wind purposes of speeding Hotaram fire and Dutam which entails reaching of things from one country of other and Aganim, whichdestroys all things with its glory in physics and fire science through Bruhat Chhanda. In Ru 1/64/1 Prachitas, Mupith, Supish, Prushtibhi, Rishtibhi and Vishwa Vedasam winds as with a lot of acoustics with force called Shawasa. Ru 1/64/10 explains used of Vishwas Vedasam wind with light rays called Trivashim and Gamastaya in planes.
31. Rudrasya : (principle of wind with life, purpose of knowledge as clear and holy as sunlight, brave as brave creature with spirit, lightless, apiece from sin, away from all temptations.) Ru 1/64/2 is explained by Gautam Nogha Rishis. Ru 1/64/12 called Rudrasya like a son of main wind and brave in war. Ru 1/851 by Rahugan Gautam Rishi defines Rudrasya as a group of seven winds (Sunav, Sudansam, Ghrushyaya, Vira, Janay, Saptaya and Marut) with light and taken by earth. In Ru 2/33/6, 13, 14 Gulmamada Rishi explains different principles through Trishtup Chhands. This wind we find in many places in Vedas.
32. Yuvana : This is very strong wind in combining or dividing things. this principle is given Ru 1/64/3. Ru 1/65/2 by Anstya Rishi explains every youth with chastity and study through Virad Trishtup Chhanda in lightening science. Ru 1/16/1/6 explains the use of Yuvana wind with combinations of connection and separation through Trishtup Chhanda in Indra Marutsa science. Ru 1/152/5 Dirghatama Rishis explains the principle of including in rays called Anavishu through Trishtup Chhanda. Ru 3/54/10 by Prajapati Vaishwamitro Vachyova Rishi explains the use of Yuvan wind with all substances of the sky through Trishtup Chhanda.
33. Abhogya Ghana : Apiece from eating of dying, these winds are explained in 2/64/3. Here too God of hymn in Vidyut as well as Nichru Jagati Chhanda. Yuvana winds.
34. Adhigrav : To ontain the rays, lightless principle is given in Rivedas 1/64/3. Ru 1/61/1 explains the principle of extraodinary bravery in the war with enemies through Virad Rishtup Chhanda. This is also explained in Athrava Veda 20/35/1 as well as Ae Brahmin 6/4/2, 29/2/115 Nim 5/11.
35. ajra : Taking birth, growing old, dying, aloof from these reasons Marut Rigvedas 1/64/3 Gautam Nogha, Indra Jagati. In Ru 1/121/5 Pamachchhep Rishi explains the principle of showing the things in night with the help of fire called “Asya” through Srushti Chhanda in fire science. Ru.1/143/3 by Dirghatam Rishi explains the principle of maing visible all the things at night by taking darkness away with the help fo fire named Asya through rays called Manav, which is in Virad Jagati Chhanda. Ru 3/14/3 by Vishwamitra Rishis explains obtaining knowledge with lightening with one type of 11 types of Amashgeet Maya and rays with ajra wind, which is in Trishtup Chhanda in science of fire. Ru 1/3/3 by vasishtha Rishi explains using of lightening fire called Vrushaya with flowing wind and Sutam fire in Panti Chhanda. In Ru 10/94/11 explains speedy Ajra winds through Jagati Chhanda by Rishis Sarvuda with Draveya Sarpa Rishis of Gravani God.
36. Rudra Ko Nighantu : Ru 5/5 counts it as one of 68 Gods in the sky. Rudra is said to make cry creatures in air with pain, which is given in Ru 1/43/3 by Ghoura Kanava Rishi explains, which make knowledgeable through Gayatri Chhanda of Mitravaruna. In Ru 1/114/11 Kutsa Rishis explains the principle of combining Mitravaruan, Aditi, Sindhu, and Dhyo in Rudra study through Bhurik Trishtup Chhanda. In Ru 2/1/6 Shoundhotro Bhargavo Grutsamada Rishi explains in fire science to use light and with together through Bhurik trishtup Chhanda. Ru 2/34/2 tells humans to use Rudra in bringing light from stars in the sky with Swarna and Rudra winds. Ru 2/38/9 by Grutsamad Rishis explains to use Rudra wind with water called Tama Idam and fir called Devam through Panti Chhanda of fire science.
37. Vavakshu : Explains principles in Ru 1/64/3 with Majamna force. Ru 8/12/1 by Parvata Kanva Rishis explains the principle of obeying sun. earth, sky by Vavakshu wind fire called Asya rays called Ketwa in Virad Ushtit Chhanda in fire science. Use of lightening called Hari with this wind comes in 25th as well ase 21st hymns.
38. Rushtaya : (winds flowing here and there) This is found in Ru 1/64/4 by Gautram Nogha Rishi’s sceience of lightening. In Ru 1/65/2 Vasishtha Rishis calls Rushtaya wind as creator of substances and reaching them through Bruhati Chhanda. Ru 8/20/11 by So Mir Kanva Rishis calls winds as protecting and enduring through quality of the things through PadVichuda Ushtina Chhanda with swarna prayoug. Ru 8/28/5 by Man Vaivashwata Rishis calls Rushtaya as seven weapons with Rishi called Saat in rays and lightening. Ru 5/54/11 Shyawashwas Ajaya Rishi explains using of Rushtaya wind by Rukma and Hiranvi through rays in Nichru jagati Chhanda.
39. Chitreya : (with surprising movements, quality and nature) Marut principle Ru 1/64/4. In Ru 1/9/5 Madhu Chhanda Rishi explains Chitreya as giving the substances called Vibhy and sold called Ragha along with lightening in Gayatri Chhanda. Ru. 1/21/1Kanva Meghyatithi Rishi explains in Indra Varun science Chitram wind as giving solids called Ragha through Mitra Varuam through Gayatri Chhanda. Ru 1/22/1 of fire science explains obtaining of Ragha through Chitreya winds with solid substance in Vaso form in Gayatri Chhanda. In Ru 1/34/10 Hiranyastup Rishi in Aswini science explains the use of Chitreya wind with water called Madhwa in the ”Shillyakritya” in planes the Jagati Chhanda. Ru 1/31/3 by Ghoura Kanva Rishi explains the use of Chitreya wind in hand movements called Katha in Gayatri Chhanda. This Chitreya wind can be use in other places too.
40. Nara : (wind obtaining substances) Ru 1/64/4 explains it. Ru 1/8/6 explains the use of Nara winds with fire called “Asya”, kukshi in the sky and sun, Munta (light and hymn), Gomati (ray), Vitapsi (Mahanam) and Mahi (earth) through Gayatri Chhanda in fire science by Madhu Chhanda Rishi. Ru 1/62/3 by Gautam Nogha explains the use of wind in protecting big substances in the sky. Ru 1/63/6 explains the use of Nara wind in processes like food called Vajesju, protection called “Uti” in science and defense through Bruhati Chhanda in science of lightening. Ru 1/61/2 explains the principle of completion of desires through Panti Chhanda in fire science. Ru 1/10/5 explains the use with rays called Vanesh. In Ru 1/13/4 in science of fire of Parashar Rishi use of Nara wind with ray named Vishwaya and Dyumnan lightening through Trishtup Chhanda. Ru 1/83/4 by Rahahugano Gautam Rishi in science of lightening. Nara winds are explained to be lightening with fire called Shraddha through Nivru Jagati Chhanda. Ru 1/85/8 explains the principles showing light in Nivru Jagati Chhanda in Ru 1/100/8 of science of lightening. In Ru. 1/104/2 by Kutsa Rishis. Principles of wind used in defense through Swarat Panti Chhanda. Sun/light science of Praskanva Rishi describes the use of Nara with glittering substances of ultra small size called Rochna. Likewise there are many principles of Nara wind by different Rishi, Gods, and with different Chhanda.
41.Ajjobhi: Ru 1/36/13 by Ghoura Kanva Rishi explains it as a wind used in fire sacrifice through Upishthad Bruhati Chhanda in science of fire. Ru 1/31/2 explains through Chhanda. Ru 1/64/4 explains growing of beauty in a particular way through Jagati Chhanda. Ru 1/85/3 by Rahugano Gautam Rishi called cows and nation mother in Nivru Jagati Chhanda. Ru 1/81/1 describes this incidents. Ru. 1/13/14 explains a principle of lightening all the tthignsin lightening science in Panti Chhanda by Kutsa Rishi.
42.Vakshasu : Ru 1/64/4 explains embellishment with golden jewelry on the chest. Ru 5/19/5 by Vajratreya Rishi explains the principle of containing the fire in the form of rays in plans. Ru. 5/54/11 by Mashiyawashwa Aatreya explains the used in weapons in Nivru Jagati Chhanda of wind science. Ru 1/166/10 by Maitra Vamadgastya Rishi describes the presence of Vakshasu wind in the heart of all the things good for human being. In Ru 1/56/13 Vasishtha Rishi explains a Swarna prayog called Rukma in weapons through Nivru Jagati Chhanda.
43.Diva : Producing light in sun and other stars. In Ru 1/6/9 Madhu Chhanda Rishi called Diva as producing light in everything in Gayatri Chhanda. Ru 1/33/1 by Hiranyastup Rishis describes its use in the study of architecture and war tactics and good deeds through Virad Trishtup Chhanda. In the same chapter in 10th hymn with the sky and sun, Diva winds are shown. In Ru 1/34/8 Hiranyastup Rishi explains in science of fire in Nivru Jagati Chhanda use of Diva winds in doing deeds with seven motherly things, earth, sun, fire, air, lightening, water and sky at day and night with its hot and cold qualities in three ways, i.e. up, down, and middle with huge, small and ultra small substances with ray wind called Diva. Ru 1/31/16 describes it more through Gayatri Chhanda. Ru 1/38/2 also the questions regarding lightening wind called Diva and rays called Gava, which create and make acoustics of things, which are mentioned in other hymns, Ru 1/46/1 by Praskanva Rishi explains in Virad Gayatri Chhanda principle of Ashwini science produced the sunlight with Diva wind. In the same Satta in 8th hymn, a principle of use of Diva wind and water called Indrav. 11th hymn describes the same things extensively. It can be studies futher.
44. Nimimukshu : Ru 1/64/4 explains obtaining of a group of all things. Ru 8/61/8 explains Nimimukhsu as the one which puts lightening Shatkrato and Maghwa into action in Panti Chhanda of fire science.
45. Hiranyayem : Ru 1/35/2 by Hiranyastup Rishi explains Hiranyen wind as showing people with its movements like light of fire science. Ru 1/64/4 explains Hiranyayem wind moving in the way of holy light circle with swarna yoga. Ru 5/44/475 by Purumilaj Mila Hotra explains in fire in Pankti and Trishtup Chhanda of reaching things in plane science.
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