Sunday, October 29, 2023

My Thoughts .........29


1) You plan about your health and old age and take health insurance, to take care of your family after you die, you take life insurance, but what have you done to take care of your karma and your afterlife!

2) You are the creator of your dream, you are the preserver of your dream, you are the destroyer of your dream!

3) Out of 1440mtz a day, you sit/stand/sleep for prayer for 3mtz, out of which you complain for 2 mtz and present all your want list for 1 minute, so where is the connection with infinite being? A prayer should be a constant remembrance of HIS presence and leaving everything on HIM! 

4) Never compare your loved ones with each Tom, Dick, and Harry as you don't know what they are behind those masks, accept your loved ones as they are, love them for what they are, they are the originals and they care for you!

5) Eat food as medicine else you will have medicines as food!

6) You can exist without a dream but a dream cannot exist without you! 

7) Bhakti without knowledge is like a car without Steering! 

8) Until we stop blaming others for our failures, we cannot progess, progress comes by accepting the mistakes and rectifying them!

9) For the body, food is nourishment, for bhakti, saranagati is nourishment!

10) The right hemisphere of the mind is Shiva, and the left Shakti, we need to work on Shiva-Shakti Aikyam by meditation!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

My Thoughts .......28


1) Apara Prakriti is attractive and it keeps us away from Para Prakriti!

2) Remember, obstructed desire turns to anger, and fulfilled desires turn to greed!

3) Existence is formless, it takes forms based on our imaginations!

4) Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

5) You don't need a reason to be happy, happiness is your nature, be happy always, you need a reason to be sad but not happy!

6) All the jnanam of chemicals in your body can be gained from a medical lab but for Atma Jnanam one needs to go to a competent Guru!

7) Remember, Brahmarandhra is the launch pad to Brahma loka using sukla gati as fuel!

8) Those who identify themselves with someone and depend on someone are prone to anger, jealousy, and depression, as the feeling of being let down is going to happen at one or another stage of life!

9) Do not depend on external things for happiness they are temporary, like a hardboard chair, which looks good but you cannot depend on it for sitting, depend on Ishwara for happiness which stays permanent!

10) A Jnani acts out of happiness, and a Ajnani acts for happiness!