Sunday, January 22, 2023

My Thoughts ............3


My Thoughts ............3 

1)When you sacrifice something for someone, do not expect something from them, do it out of love without any expectations!

2) Repetition of anything including Mantras becomes mechanical, your mind too becomes a machine, lubricate it with emotion from the heart, and do not allow it to become a machine, and connect to the unlimited self!

3) Many may prefer marrying after getting settled in business or a job, but your biological clock isn't bothered with all these, it does not wait for you, infact with lots of tensions and responsibilities it ages you faster, marry at the right age, and have kids early and then get settled in life! Our Ancestors were not fools! 

4) You cannot search for your shadow in the darkness, as during the darkness, your body is taken up by the shadow itself due to ignorance, when the knowledge shines within you like the Sun, the shadow falls down when you are shining!

5) Silence is the safest response for all the contradiction that arises from impertinence, vulgarity, and envy.  Silence is the rest of the mind and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment & refreshment.  It is a great virtue: it covers folly, keeps secrets, avoids disputes, and prevents Sin!

6) Remember beauty is not permanent, any number of layers of foundation on the face will not help, have layers of foundation deep within the self!

7) Once you accept your existence in this world is because of the blessings of your mother, once you accept your excellence in your studies is with the blessings of your teachers, once you accept your success in your career is due to the cooperation of your colleagues, once you accept because of cooperation of your wife you have a happy life,... You will realize you are nothing without so many people in your life, there is no scope for your ego to grow!

8) Ego and Desire are like twins, each appreciates the other and works in tandem for our downfall!

9) If you don't know where you are going, check out, maybe you're already there!

10) I do nothing of my own. He does it. I m God’s pencil. All Actions are performed by the gunas of prakriti. Deluded by his identification with the ego, a person thinks, ‘I am the doer.’ But the illumined man or woman understands the domain of the gunas and is not attached. Such people know that the gunas interact with each other; they do not claim to be the doer.

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