Saturday, August 26, 2023

My Thoughts ............ 24

 1) We interact with the world from our ego CenterPoint, shed it, and interact with love, you will see the world has changed towards you!

2) When a woman faces problems she prays and says "Why Me"?, but when her child suffers problems she prays and asks "Why Not Me'?... this is the selfless UCL of a Mother!

3) Few distribute sorrow and few happiness, for free!

4) Simplicity is the most precious and expensive ornament!

5) By Jnanam, you will always have UAS (uninterrupted Ananda Supply) like they have UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) at places!

6) To appreciate someone doesn't come as easily as Ego doesn't allow it, appreciating shows the inner humbleness, cultivate it!

7) Remember, the road to heaven is an uneven narrow lane, the road to hell is a 16-way!

8) The natural nature of a human being is happiness and purnatvam, it is the expectations that make you sad and make you feel incomplete!

9) Remember, planning is a deliberate thing, worrying is not deliberate, it's mechanical

10) Planning makes you efficient in the present, worrying makes your present inefficient!

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