Saturday, December 23, 2023

My Thoughts .... 34


1) Bhagwan takes Avatara to maintain the balance of the Prakriti, same we have an immunity/defense mechanism in our body as Avatara which maintains and protects our body ! #Symbolism

2) One who is bound by Pasa (bond) is Jiva, while one who is free of the Pasas is Sadashiva (“Pasa Yukta Bhavet Jiva Pasa Mukta Sadashiva”).

3) Remember, however big, vast, wide, pure, ferocious, and famous the rivers be, whichever way they flow, ultimately they are flowing towards the ocean to merge into it!

4) Life is a coin that has two opposite sides, Karma often throws it up, and we have to accept the toss and play the game by its rules!

5) If you are doing something for appreciation from others, then sadly you will be let down, do it for your satisfaction! 

6) Just like a doctor gives painful treatment to remove physical toxins to make us healthy, Bhagwan Vaidyanathan removes our sins and purifies our inner self by giving us painful sufferings to cleanse our Karma phalam of past sins!

7) When you surrender to Bhagwan, He takes away our Shadripu [six enemies of the mind, which are: kama (desire), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), mada (Sense of I), moha (Attachment), and matsarya (Partiality);] Bhagwan's Gopika's Chir Haran is a symbolical depiction of His mercy of taking away our Shadripu!

8) Culture from all over influences our houses, let that stay only up to the living rooms, and do not allow it to enter your pooja rooms!

9) Duty brings humility, right brings fight!  

10) Bhakti is not a form of a particular Sadhana, it is the essence of the whole spiritual sadhana.

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