Sunday, March 24, 2024

My Thoughts ....43


1) Don't fight the choiceless situation, accept it, and strengthen your inner-self and emotions, have faith, this shall too pass, when you go out in the rain, you don't fight the rain, you carry an umbrella to pass the choiceless situation which rain poses to you!

2) Don't chase the ones who ignore you, give them space, if they value you, they will come back, else you are better off without such crowd!

3) People don't notice the things we do for them until we stop doing them!

4) Apart from eating your mouth is for communication also, use it wisely, and maintain mounam for a day in a week to help your family members enjoy the noise-free atmosphere and to tolerate you!!

5) We suffer from miseries as we forget our fundamental relationship ( With Bhagwan) and give priority to all incidental relationships (with Humans), one will have to go back to Him through prayers, Mananam, Japam, Bhajan, Meditation, Pooja, Yajna, etc, to overcome internal turmoil and to gain internal peace!

6) Caring and loving is not a weakness, it is your strength, irrespective of being let down often, being neglected, being not cared for, or being abused, still, your resolve to love and care remains the same!

7) Casual words of Jnani become golden words, and the intended words of a materialistic person is of less importance as it is full of selfishness and ego!
8) Only a mature mind values a value of a value! Only maturity brings value in life!

9) Expectation and Disappointment travel together!

10 Sanyasa is not leaving everything and going to the woods, it is a mental state, in which I relinquish the idea of ownership with regard to everything I use, I look upon everything I possess as only things that I use but I do not own anything, there is one owner of everything and that is Bhagwan!

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