Saturday, August 24, 2024

My Thoughts .................... 49


1) Petrol(Atma) in the car cannot decide the destination, desire(steering) guides you to the destination, with the help of 4 tyre's (Kama-Mada-Lobha-Krodha), the Accelerator (Karma) decides the speed, Brake (Bhakti) helps you not to hit something, Neutral Peddle(Matsarya) helps you to change the gear(Moha), and Hand break( Viveka) helps the car to stay stationary!

2) Positivity is nature, but materialism has changed our vibes to negativity!

3) Dead body is a material body, Living body is a conscious body, once the consciousness goes off it becomes a material body!!

4) As you age and grow, the shape of your body changes, and the experience of life ornates your face as wrinkles, these are natural, those who are lustful will fall for the body, and evolved ones get attached to the soul!

5) All your life you waste time on man-made worldly relations, which are temporary, forgetting the permanent one, which was there, which is there, and which will be there, the PRAKRITI, connects to SHIVAA, SHE is the one who librates from the vicious cycle of Life and Death, Merge into HER and allow HER to merge into YOU!

6) In Bhagavatam, an episode comes where Bhagwan Krishna takes away the clothes of Gopis while they are bathing, ...........

7) Body & Clothes represent our Ego, when you want to merge into HIM you have to shed your EGO, you have to forget everything other than only the consciousness of HIS presence! Which is Sampoorna Sarangati, until you surrender to HIM in totality, HE will not come running for you!  

8) A fly likes to sit on the wounds and shit, and A honeybee likes to sit on flowers and sucks the honey, don't allow your mind to become a fly by engaging in useless gossip and mundane things, make your mind become a honeybee by constantly being in Satsang and sucking the Harinama nectar!

9) Hope is like a flowing river of which the ceaseless desires constitute the waters; it rages with the waves of keen longings, and the attachments for various objects are its animals of prey; scheming thoughts of greed are the aquatic birds that abound on it, and it destroys in its course the big trees of patience and fortitude; it is rendered impassable by the whirlpools of ignorance, and of the profound depth of bed as it is, its banks of anxious deliberation are precipitous indeed. Such a river the great Yogis of pure mind pass across to enjoy supreme felicity.

10) Mooladhara= Prithvi=smell, taste, touch, Sound, sight (Prithvi, Jala, Agni, Vayu, Akasha)

Svadhisthanna= Jala=sound, touch, sight,

Manipura = Agni=sound, sight,

Anahata = Vayu=sound,

Anjana = Akasah=Aksasha

Sahasradhara = Brahman,

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