Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Essence of Radha-Krishna's love :

Essence of Radha-Krishna's love :

Radha is a young woman, a gopi who is Krishna’s supreme beloved. Krishna’s worship is considered incomplete without Radha. Radha’s love and devotion overcame all barriers and became eternal.

Radha is recognized as the loveliest of all the cowgirls. She was the wife of Ayana and the daughter of the cowherd Vrishabhanu and his wife, Kamalavati. Radha was a childhood friend and soulmate of Krishna and the two were inseparable as playmates and later as lovers. Theirs was a love hidden from society, given Radha’s status of a married woman. They had their moments of love, passion and anger – just like any two lovers in love and yet their love could not stand the test of duty that Krishna had to face. He had to leave Vrindavan, and Radha, to ensure that the ideals of truth and justice were established but in the process had to let down the ideal of personal love. He became a king, defeated innumerable enemies and even married a number of times. And yet it is said Radha kept waiting for him to come back to her. Her love for Krishna is considered so divine and so pure that Radha, herself obtained the status of a deity, with her name being inseperably linked to that of Krishna. Most of Krishna’s images are considered complete when Radha stands by his side.

The word Radha means the greatest worshiper of Krishna. No other gopi in Vrindavana has such a significant name as Sri Radha. Of course, all the Braja gopis love and give pleasure to Krishna. However, compared to Radhika’s ocean of love for Krishna, the other gopis are merely pools, ponds and rivers. As the ocean is the original source of all the water found in lakes and rivers, similarly the love found in the gopis, and in all the other devotees has its origin in Sri Radha alone. Since Radha’s love is the greatest, she gives the greatest pleasure to Krishna. ‘Krishna enchants the whole world, but Srimati Radhika enchants even Him. Therefore, Radha is the Supreme Goddess.’ In Vrindavana, people are accustomed to chant the Radha’s name more than Krishna’s name.

Radha’s love for Krishna is all consuming and compels her to ignore her family honor and disregard her husband. Radha serves as a symbol for all of the Gopi girls’ love for Krishna. Their relationship develops on Krishna’s captivating charm and aura of passion as Radha falls into a state of desire for this God. Radha is the soul; Krishna is the God. Krishna is the shaktiman – possessor of energy – and Radha is His shakti – energy. She is the female counterpart of the Godhead. She is the personification of the highest love of God, and by her mercy the soul is connected with the service and love of Krishna.

The relationship between Radha and Krishna is the example of the highest and purest love, an indissoluble union of the highest intermingling and completion; it is also a love expressed through music.

Radha was one of the closest and purest “Bhakta” or Devotee of Krishana, and She loved him as a Lord, and Krishna also loved her as his Devotee.This tells us that the purest relationship, such as the relationship between God and a Devotee comes before any other relationships. This is why Lord Krishna and Radha’s Murtis are kept together.

The image always reminds us to become a better person and a good devotee, then we will be closer to God because God loves his Devotee more than anything.

The legends of Radha-Krishna has become immortal. There are numerous legends and stories of Radha and Krishna depicting their true love. Radha’s devotion and dedication towards Sri Krishna is the most sincere one. Here are some legends of Radha-Krishna portraying their love for each other.

Legend of Hot Milk

This is one interesting story showing the eternal relation of Radha and Krishna. Radha was not married to Lord Krishna. The immeasurable love of Krishna for Radha made Krishna’s wives jealous of Radha. Once, they all planned a mischief to make Radha suffer. They set out a bowl of burning hot milk. They gave the bowl to Radha, saying that Krishna had sent it to her. Radha readily drank the hot milk.

When the wives returned to Krishna, they found him full of painful ulcers. This shows that Krishna resides in every pore of Radha i.e. Why the hot milk didn’t touch Radha, but it affected Krishna. He took all her pain and miseries upon himself.

Legend of Charanaamrit

This is another sweet story depicting the intense love between Radha and Krishna. Once, Sri Krishna got very ill. Krishna asked that he would be alright if, he would get the Charanaamrit of a true devotee. All the Gopis were asked, but none of them offered. They were afraid of committing a serious offense, by offering the water with which they had washed their feet to Sri Krishna.

When Radha came to know about the situation, she said: “Take as much as you like. What does it matter if I have to go to hell as long as my Lord is released of His pain and ailment”! Radha offered the Charanaamrit with true heart. It is due to this fact; it is believed that Radha could not marry Lord Krishna. Radha loved Krishna from the core of her heart, but still she offered Charanaamrit to Krishna to save him from his sickness.

Radha and Krishna were celestial beings and their love was eternal. Whether they were married or not, their love made them united for ever. !!

Radha’s Philosophy

“How did you get so much knowledge staying in this village and living life doing chores?” Uddhav, Krishna’s friend, asked Radha.

“Each moment makes you take sides. If you always take the side of truth and love, you will gain insights. Each insight awakens you from the illusion and takes you a step closer to the supreme awakening.”

“How can you be in Love with Krishna and still remain free from the bonds of life?”

“There is a distinction between the love that results from insecurity and the love that results from faith. The former results in bonds. The latter results in freedom. The former gets lost, the latter transcends. The former leads to fear of death and abandonment. The latter leads to Nirvana, to enlightenment that is the death of death, to realize that Radha and Krishna are just ripples and love is like the water, eternal and infinite.”

“How can you get awakened without leaving the society and becoming a monk?”

“Where a man reaches by renouncing the world, a woman reaches by embracing the world in its wholeness.” Said Radha.

“Is there no point in pursuit of knowledge? Then what is the meaning of life?”

“Your ability to give it any meaning, is the meaning of life. ” Answered Radha.

❤️❤️❤️ Radhe Radhe, Radha Krishna ❤️❤️❤️

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