Sunday, September 15, 2024

My Thoughts .....54


1) The moment love becomes attachment, it becomes suffering, it destroys your freedom, only thing that sets you free to fly high is unconditional love!

2) Chinta(Stress) is like rust it eats you to powder, the strong iron which cannot be cut easily or destroyed becomes powder by its own rust!

3) "If you love someone, love them so much that you have no time to ask "Do you love me"!

4) "The root of suffering is attachment". 

5) In any relationship there will be ups and downs, it is up to you, how you tame your ego and let go, for the good of yourself, family, society, etc., and continue the relationship in its true spirit!

6) To see microbes you need a microscope, to see Bhagwan you need bhakti and knowledge!

7) "Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together."

8) When you have walked through the hell of your negative thoughts & survived, no pain on this earth will ever again worry you.

9) Life DOES come with an instruction manual. It's called "Common Sense".

10) Sarcasm is the best answer to a stupid question.

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