Friday, January 17, 2025

My Thoughts.....................63


1) Remember, argument generates only heat and not light!

2) From a drop to the ocean, water is the same, it gets names based on its shapes!

3) The mind is tricky, If you feel it's easy, the mind will say yes, it's easy, if you say it's difficult, the mind will say yes, it's difficult; And the mind goes on rationalizing things, always escaping from doing.

4) Only imperfection can grow, we grow as we are imperfect, perfection reaches the stagnant point, and there is no scope to grow!

5) If you feel the sky is the limit then follow your own path, Birds don't leave footprints in the open sky!

6) Why fit in, when you were born to stand out?

7) The nature of a human is aloneness. You came alone and will leave alone. Because you are scared of loneliness, you create fake relationships!

8) The joy of having something dies the moment you get it, as the longing for it ends at that moment. No external thing can give permanent joy. Bliss is your real self!

9) Remember, the heart is courageous, it takes risks and shares love with the people whom it cares about. The Mind is cunning always scheming!

10) You're valuable, focus on the things that enhance your value rather than on useless things that bring down the value of your value!

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