Friday, March 31, 2023

My Thoughts........... 10


1) Love is not selective, just as the light of the sun is not selective. It does not make one person special. It is not exclusive. Exclusivity is not the love of God but the "love" of ego.

2) Remember you never defeat your demons, you only learn to live above them, the moment you slip they are awaiting your fall eagerly!

3) Atma is limited to the body, unlock the doors of saranagati and merge into the unlimited source of the universe, the Paramatma, and enjoy the bliss!

4) People offer more flowers on the grave of a dead person than when he was alive, regret is stronger than gratitude!

5) Gadgets are different but electricity is one, living forms are different, and Atma is one!

6) Remember, fairy tales are always written in the past tense, even your story will be appreciated after you are gone!

7) Pleasure is always derived from something outside you, whereas joy arises from within, Joy's a Butterfly, that loves to spread its wings in Nature's light.

8) "Sleep is short death & death a long sleep to wake you to a new dawn"

9) You have got human form because of your accumulated good karmas, celebrate life, and don't waste your accumulated good karmas in cribbing, complaining, greed, or hatred............ the secret for moksha is LOVE!  

10) "You signed up with destiny to do this dance before you were born, so why complain now, continue your dance with joy!"


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