Tuesday, March 7, 2023

My Thoughts....7


Those who are free from pride and delusion, who have conquered the evil of attachment, who are constantly dwelling in the Supreme Self with all Kaama completely stilled, who are free from the dualities known as pleasure and pain; such undeluded persons reach the eternal goal.

2) The inner power of Life within me is God, and it can heal anything.I am Clean, Pure, and Perfect. There is no false growth and nothing for one to feed on. I am free from all thoughts of, or belief in, anything false or fearsome. I am now One with The Perfect Life of Complete Wholeness.

3) Love that is sincere is the real thing. It remains faithful in the face of betrayal. It is trustworthy regardless of others’ dishonesty. Its motives are pure and not corrupted by self-centeredness. Sincerity is a profession of love that is true. Being True to ourselves and others.

4) If you want happiness for a lifetime -- help someone else, and True happiness mainly comes from our own attitude, rather than from external factors. If your own mental attitude is correct, even if you remain in a hostile atmosphere, you feel happy. 

5) Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.

6) God knows what we are doing. We can't hide anything from Him. We will be judged by God for all that we do and think. Enjoy who you are. Don’t hate yourself for what you aren’t. Be who you are and say what you feel.

7) A mind grows by what it feeds on. When there is harmony between the mind, heart, and resolution then nothing is impossible. Prayer puts you in touch with the infinite and prepares your mind for the finite.

8) Those who are free from pride and delusion, who have conquered the evil of attachment, who are constantly dwelling in the Supreme Self with all Kaama completely stilled, who are free from the dualities known as pleasure and pain; such undeluded persons reach the eternal goal.

9) The inner power of Life within me is God, and it can heal anything. I am Clean, Pure, and Perfect. There is no false growth and nothing for one to feed on. I am free from all thoughts of, or belief in, anything false or fearsome. I am now One with The Perfect Life of Complete Wholeness.

10) Love that is sincere is the real thing. It remains faithful in the face of betrayal. It is trustworthy regardless of others’ dishonesty. Its motives are pure and not corrupted by self-centeredness. Sincerity is a profession of love that is true. Being True to ourselves and others.

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