Friday, July 5, 2024

My Thoughts ....45

 1) A wooden log saves a person in a river from drowning the moment he reaches the banks, the first thing he does is, he throws the log,.. no one takes it home and makes a golden showcase of it as it saved his life, but the wooden log is Eveready to save the next person from drowning!

2) A man pokes his finger in the fire and complains to fire, "You burned my finger", fire says no I haven't, you poked it in me, knowing very well that I am hot and I can burn you, likewise never poke your nose in others affairs without been asked for!

3) No outsider can hurt you emotionally, only those who are close to you, can do that, it is a temporary phase, so don't become too emotional, remember, the same people will be nice to you too but do not expect sky-high amends!

4) Peace, Happiness, and Security is not depended upon what I have, but what I am!!!

5) Past Experience is a stepping stone for your success. If you receive all the Problems with Smiling n Positive. Every successful person has a painful story, and Every painful story has a successful ENDING.

6) Stay connected to everything & everyone and attached to nothing & no one!

7) The trouble with being punctual is that no one is there to appreciate it.

8) "The loved ones never die, they always remain alive in your heart".

9) "The greed for the pound, you fail to enjoy the penny".

10) "Even if you have a brain transplant, wisdom is yours, which grows by knowledge".

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