Tuesday, July 30, 2024

My Thoughts ....47

 1) We don't laugh again at the same joke, so why do we cry about the same problem again and again? 

2) "Prayer is a kind of unification between Atma and Paramatma, Pray with love, don't beg nor complain".

3) "Mantra is using the mind as a vehicle to reach Him"

4) I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.

5) " People will only understand you at the level they understand themselves".

6) None is going to stay here permanently still they crave impermanent things! #Crazy 

7) Humans have Raga-Dwesha, only rare gems like Ramana, Paramacharya, and Ramakrishna outgrow Raga-Dwesha, once you outgrow Raga-Dwesha, Tyagaa, and Samarpanam come by themselves, and we worship such rare gems as Gods, as they have achieved God-hood!

8) Wanting to be wanted by others is samsara!

9) Papam is Iron shackles, Punyam is Golden shackles, break both the shackles by Atma Gnanam!

10) God is always there When no one else will be, Are you ready to seek HIM!

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