Saturday, August 24, 2024

My Thoughts .................... 48


1) Remember, when you worship Bhagwan through Gnan Yajna, the fire is knowledge, and the oblations are your ignorance, ego, anger, lust, and selfishness!

2) Do your duty with love and sincerity, without any expectations as expectations causes mental turmoil!

3) For a wise man, others not talking becomes advantageous, and less nonsense. For an ignorant person, others not talking becomes rejection or isolation.
4) Do not grieve for those who are gone, grieve for yourself, for missing the chance to be good to them when they were around, and if you were good then no need to grieve, feel happy that you were of some use to them when they were around!  

5) Remember, in medicine, there is no Happiness pill or Sadness pill, it is your emotions, and emotions are based on your perceptions, so always have a positive perception and stay happy... Har Hal mei Khushi!

6) Each child is unique, he/she cannot be like other children, do not burden their childhood by treating them as a trophy in a competition!

7) Karma is the ringmaster who makes us dance to its tunes and jump the ring of fire, become rebel, by totally surrendering to the owner of the circus, the ringmaster will soften towards you as he knows the owner is protecting you...  

8) When you sacrifice something for someone, do not expect something from them, do it out of love without any expectations!  

9) You use a boat to cross the river and leave it once you reach the other side, the same way the body should be used to cross the Bhavasagar and to reach HIM!

10) As fasting is necessary to rejuvenate the physical body, Meditation is for the mind!

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