Saturday, August 31, 2024

MY Thoughts .... 53

1) When you sincerely desire self-knowledge, the prakriti helps you, as even prakriti wants your homecoming by merging into wholeness!

2) Happiness nor sorrow have a physical body, the emotion in the mind makes our body respond accordingly!

3) The gap in between Sukham and Dukham - Dukham and Sukham, is experience!

4) Guru is a vaidya who removes ignorance virus by giving an Anti-virus vaccine, Jnanam!

5) Death is a certainty we never try to improve the certainty but we are busy in improving temporary things and relations!

6) Remember, Silence is the best non-communicative and communicative language!   

7) To be good even to your adversaries is the toughest thing, but being good is your swabhava, do not allow your ego and anger to pollute it!

8) You cannot love nor can you be angry when you are alone!

9) "Success is based on your capacity to face failures"

10) "Want Change? The easiest way to change is, to change yourself, you can't change anything or anyone".

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