2) Bhakti is the milestone towards the destination Paramatma(Jnanam)!
3) You are responsible for your miserable state, you are thirsty when it is raining, shed everything, go out, and quench your thirst. You chose to live in darkness when the Sun is shining. Nature is always caring!
4) There can never be a worthy partner, your unconditional love for the person makes him/her worthy!
5) The most expensive liquid in the world is a tear. It's 1% water and 99% feelings. Think before you hurt someone!
6) When someone asks for wings, give them wings to fly, rivers to swim, and roots to stay, and if they choose none, open the doors for them with a smile!
7) Courage is a love affair with the unknown; through Bhakti, we try to know the unknown!
8) The moment fear ends, life begins!
9) Learn, evolve, grow... learn, evolve, grow.. this is a continuous process!
10) You are the sculptor of your life, what you carve out, others see it, and some may worship!