Friday, July 5, 2024

My Thoughts ....44


1) Spiritual success (Sattvik Karma) is when you give more and receive less, and Material success (Rajasic Karma) is when you get more and give less!

2) A forced denial is suffering, a willful self-denial is Tapas!

3) Most people want validation for their biased opinions and not clarification!

4) What is the use of burning your body with sugandhi chandan when all your life you have spread durgandh (ego, anger, lust, greed, selfishness etc), while alive be like Chandan spreading Sugandh ( love, mercy, compassion, charity etc) then there is no need of chandan to burn your body!

5) Ishta Devata bhakti is bound by time and space, progress to Vishwaroopa Devata which is not bound by time and space, and progress to self-realization!

6) When you wait for someone for more than 5 minutes than the agreed time to meet, you get irritated, you start seeing your watch often, and you get boiled, because your ego starts pricking you, and you cannot digest that you have been made to wait for so long (5-10 mins only) but the same person when goes to some temple for the darshan of the Bhagwan he waits in line for hours together without complaining, without his ego getting pricked~! WHY?? #ponder

7) When you want to lean, and if you lean on a paper pillar what happens? Lean on a solid concrete pillar!

8) As ripened fruit is compared to knowledge, remember, ripened fruit is sweet and needs to be enjoyed by sharing when it is ripened, if you leave it for some more time than necessary, it decays, knowledge when shared is sweet, or what is the use of knowledge which is not shared!

9) In existence there is no inferiority complex anywhere, and as a corollary there is no superiority complex either.

10) Nobody else can destroy you except you; nobody else can save you except you

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